%1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec [/Oldest] [/Quiet] %1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/Quiet] %1 %2 /All - For the given ForVolumeSpec deletes all matching shadow copies. If /Oldest is given, the oldest shadow copy on the volume is deleted If /All is given, then all shadow copies on all volumes that can be deleted will be deleted. If /Shadow=ShadowId is given, the shadow copy with that Shadow Copy ID will be deleted. Only shadow copies that have the ClientAccessible type can be deleted. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. When entering a Shadow Copy ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. This ID can be obtained through the List Shadows command. Example Usage: vssadmin Delete Shadows /For=C: /Oldest
/DomainLevel:{0|2|3} The domain functional level cannot be lower than the forest functional level. Default will be automatically ...
/email Opens the default SMAPI e-mail client with an invitation attached for sending. /offerra Uses DCOM to launch Remote ...
/esa:EVENT_SOURCE (EventSourceAddress) Specifies the address of an event source. EVENT_SOURCE is a string that identifies ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /AutoRetry=MaxRetryMinutes - Creates a new shadow copy of ForVolumeSpec. ForVolumeSpec must be a local ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /Oldest /Quiet %1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId /Quiet %1 %2 /All - For the given ForVolumeSpec deletes all matching ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Adds a shadow copy storage association between the volume specified ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Resizes the maximum size for a shadow copy storage association ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /Quiet - Deletes an existing shadow copy storage association between ForVolumeSpec and ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /Shadow=ShadowId|/Set=ShadowSetId - Displays existing shadow copies on the system. Without any options, ...