Local variable '|1' is read-only. When its type is a structure, invoking its members or passing it ByRef does not change its content and might lead to unexpected results. Consider declaring this variable outside of the 'Using' block.
loc.Branding_SecurityUpdate) #(loc.Branding_Microsoft) #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) #(loc.Branding_MajorMinor)#(loc.Branding_Release) ...
loc.Branding_SecurityUpdate) #(loc.Branding_Microsoft) #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) #(loc.Branding_MajorMinor)#(loc.Branding_Release) ...
Local '%1!ls!' or its members cannot have their address taken and be used inside an anonymous method or lambda expression ...
Local variable '|1' is read-only and its type is a structure. Invoking its members or passing it ByRef does not change its ...
Local variable '|1' is read-only. When its type is a structure, invoking its members or passing it ByRef does not change ...
Location expression '{0}' could not be resolved to a variable or property. Ensure location expression resolves to a Variable ...
Lock timeout must be greater than zero and less than Int32.MaxValue seconds. To turn off locking specify TimeSpan.Zero. To ...
LOG: Found assembly in DEVOVERRIDE location %ws], but the assembly reference did not match the assembly definition found. ...
Logarithmic scale recalculates the values shown in the Minimum, Maximum, boxes as powers of LogarithmBase for the value axis, ...