The name of this computer has been changed. You must restart this computer for the previous name change to take effect before you can make further changes to its name or domain membership.
The name of the volume for which this report is generated. This property can the the volume drive letter, a mount point or ...
The name of this application already exists in the service control manager database either as a service name or as another ...
The name of this computer (%1) does not match the name recorded in the Windows Server directory database (%2). If you have ...
The name of this computer has been changed. You must restart this computer for the name change to take effect before you ...
The name of this computer has been changed. You must restart this computer for the previous name change to take effect before ...
The name of this registered profile. Since multiple versions can exist for the same RegisteredName, the combination of RegisteredName, ...
The name of this registered specification. Since multiple versions can exist for the same RegisteredName, the combination ...
The Name parameter passes the name of the service to install to the Create method. The maximum string length is 256 characters. ...
The Name parameter specifies the new name. The name cannot include control characters, leading or trailing spaces, or any ...