Indicate the hours that you typically work. Some software can be scheduled to install outside your business hours. Make sure that your settings allow at least four hours each day for system maintenance tasks.
Includes events for Provisioning, ACL setting changes, TLS setting changes, Kerberos setting changes, Flash Wear-Out Counters ...
Incorrect reference site {0} is specified. {0} is attached to a central administration site {1}. Specify a correct reference ...
Increase priority of the selected item. By increasing the priority, the selected settings will over-ride conflicting settings ...
Independent Software Vendor (ISV) proxy enables ISV clients to communicate with the ConfigMgr Management Point. Launch the ...
Indicate the hours that you typically work. Some software can be scheduled to install outside your business hours. Make sure ...
indicates that all distribution points in the distribution point group have identical content; 0 indicates that some distribution ...
Indicates the number of prerequisite components that are required for this software. Prerequisite components are automatically ...
Indicates the time that you typically start your work day. Software that is scheduled to install outside of business hours ...
Indicates when a background upload should be performed. One of the following values can be specified. SpecificTime - Perform ...