The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has scale %2!d! and the input column has scale %3!d!. The metadata for the named column does not match on scale.
The output field expression for field '{0}' has an invalid type for argument number {1} - expected type '{3}', actual type ...
The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has code page %2!d! and the ...
The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has maximum length %2!d! and ...
The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has precision %2!d! and the ...
The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has scale %2!d! and the input ...
The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has type %2!s! and the input ...
The output file was written by an incompatible version and cannot be appended. The file may be an older file format that ...
The output name cannot be changed. There is the dangling output, which is not shown in the list of available outputs, with ...
The output with ID %1!d! of Aggregate component is not used by any component. Please either remove it or associate it with ...