The file you have selected does not have the ".xml" extension. If "%1" contains valid XML, you can still use it as a data source. Would you like to continue?
The file you are trying to open was created in an unsupported version of Microsoft Visio. For a list of supported versions, ...
The file you are trying to open, '|', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file ...
The file you have selected cannot be inserted as a Printout. There may be a problem with the file, or you may not have the ...
The file you have selected cannot be inserted as a Printout. You may have lost your network connection. Restore your network ...
The file you have selected does not have the ".xml" extension. If "%1" contains valid XML, you can still use it as a data ...
The file you have selected is not an Office Xml file. If %1 is a valid Office Xml file, you can still use it as a data source. ...
The file you have selected is not an Xsl Stylesheet. If %1 is a valid Xsl Stylesheet, you can still use it as a data source. ...
The file you imported is not valid. Verify that the file is a Web Part description file (*.webpart or *.dwp) and that it ...
The file you selected (%1) is not a valid image file. Please select a file with the extension of ".jpg", ".gif", or ".png" ...