Unable to retrieve schema information from the query: %1!.500s! against a database using the connection string %2!.400s!.
Unable to restore database for Application Registry Service Application with name '{0}'. More than one database found for ...
Unable to restore database for Application Registry Service Application with name '{0}'. No database found for Application ...
Unable to retrieve data from the Secure Store Service. The operating context does not appear to be a PerformancePoint Service ...
Unable to retrieve information for | slicer(s). In some cases, this can be due to a custom value in the DefaultMember property ...
Unable to retrieve schema information from the query: %1!.500s! against a database using the connection string %2!.400s!. ...
Unable to retrieve schema information from the record source '%1!.200s!' in a database using the connection string: '%2!.400s!'. ...
Unable to retrieve the credentials for the Unattended Service Account because the Service Application context is not valid. ...
Unable to retrieve the SharePoint Central Administration Web Application Url because the format of the Url is invalid. To ...
Unable to save calendar.}Project was unable to add the calendar to the enterprise. This could be due to offline mode, network ...