If any tables contain fields that might duplicate data, drag these fields to another table or drag the fields out to make a new table.
I You have tried to change the Visual Basic project file without checking it out first. The project file under source code ...
If an error occurs, Next goes to the next action, Macro Name jumps to the macro name below, and Fail halts and aborts the ...
If an existing field would function as a unique identifier, click the field and then click the Set Unique Identifier button. ...
If any of the proposed tables has information about more than one subject, drag the unrelated fields to another table or ...
If any tables contain fields that might duplicate data, drag these fields to another table or drag the fields out to make ...
If no field in a table contains unique values, the wizard may have already added an Generated Unique ID (AutoNumber) field ...
If the specified object does not exist, Access will create it. If the specified object already exists, Access will append ...
If the specified table does not exist, Access will create it. If the specified table already exists, Access might overwrite ...
If the specified table exists, Access will add the records to the table. If the table does not exist, Access will create ...