Fabric Service '%1!s!' (partition ID '%2!s!') encountered error (error code: 0x%3!s!) while querying for Fabric property '%4!s!'.
Extracts data from an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) compliant database. Extract from a database table or view, or use ...
Extracts data from an XML file. For example, extract catalog data from an XML file that represents catalogs and catalog items. ...
Extracts frequently used English-only terms from an input data flow. Terms and their corresponding score are written to output ...
Fabric replica publisher encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %1!s!, State: %2!s!) while publishing event '%3!s!' to subscriber ...
Fabric Service '%1!s!' (partition ID '%2!s!') encountered error (error code: 3!s!) while querying for Fabric property '%4!s!'. ...
Fabric Service '%1!s!' (partition ID '%2!s!') is unable to allocate a work item for the database restart of '%3!s!' database ...
Fabric Service '%1!s!' (partition ID '%2!s!') is unable to enqueue a work item for the database restart of '%3!s!' database ...
Fabric Service '%1!s!' encountered a permanent error while performing a Windows Fabric operation on '%2!s!' database (ID ...
Fabric Service '%1!s!' encountered a transient error while performing Windows Fabric operation on '%2!s!' database (ID %3!s!). ...