Cannot serialize object of type '{0}' because it has multiple XmlText attributes. Consider using an array of strings with XmlTextAttribute for serialization of a mixed complex type.
Cannot see if a key has been pressed when either application does not have a console or when console input has been redirected ...
Cannot seek to an absolute stream position that is larger than 2^63 - 1 bytes. (2^63 - 1 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = Int64.MaxValue). ...
Cannot serialize delegates over unmanaged function pointers, dynamic methods or methods outside the delegate creator's assembly. ...
Cannot serialize member of type {0}: XmlAnyElement can only be used with classes of type XmlNode or a type deriving from ...
Cannot serialize object of type '{0}' because it has multiple XmlText attributes. Consider using an array of strings with ...
Cannot serialize object of type '{0}'. Base type '{1}' has simpleContent and can only be extended by adding XmlAttribute ...
Cannot serialize object of type '{0}'. Consider changing type of XmlText member '{0}.{1}' from {2} to string or string array. ...
Cannot serialize parameter of type '{0}' (for operation '{1}', contract '{2}') because it is not the exact type '{3}' in ...
Cannot serialize the DataTable. A DataTable being used in one or more DataColumn expressions is not a descendant of current ...