Precomputed partitions cannot be used because articles "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" are part of a join filter and at least one of them has a constraint with a CASCADE action defined.
PowerPivot objects cannot be created or manipulated when the StorageEngineMode configuration property is set to 'Traditional' ...
PowerPivot objects cannot be created or manipulated when the StorageEngineMode configuration property is set to 'Traditional'. ...
PowerShell could not be started. Please verify that {0} exists in the folder {1}, and that you have permissions to run it. ...
Pre- and post-snapshot commands are not supported for a publication that may support non-SQL Server Subscribers by using ...
Precomputed partitions cannot be used because articles "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" are part of a join filter and at least one of ...
PREDICT=1= Mining Model Name , Numeric Expression =Returns a value of a numeric expression evaluated over a data mining model. ...
PREDICT=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL][, INCLUDE_NODE_ID]=The ScalarPredict function returns the most likely value for the ...
PREDICTADJUSTEDPROBABILITY=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictAdjustedProbability function returns the adjusted ...