One or more minor errors occurred installing Windows. The errors will not prevent Windows from running. After Windows starts, you can check the Setup log file (%1) for more information. Would you like to view the log file now?
One or more file names contain characters that Compressed (zipped) Folders cannot handle. Look for file names containing ...
One or more files required to open this version of an NFO file are either missing or corrupt. Please install the Resource ...
One or more license codes were not validated. To view the status of your license codes, click Back. Correct or remove any ...
One or more messages in your Outbox do not have a valid account specified. Would you like to use your default account to ...
One or more minor errors occurred installing Windows. The errors will not prevent Windows from running. After Windows starts, ...
One or more new attributes has been added to the partial attribute set for the following directory partition. A full synchronization ...
One or more of selected permissions are inherited from parent. Inherited permissions cannot be deleted at this object. Do ...
One or more of the characters you typed for %s are invalid. Try typing different characters. Enter the space character if ...
One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. Restoration will not ...