The major ('{0}') or minor ('{1}') component of the assembly version number was truncated when generating the default Windows Runtime version number '{2}'. To avoid truncation, use version components smaller than 8 bits. Alternately, you can specify a default version number by applying the Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Version attribute to the assembly.
The listener '{0}' added to source '{1}' must have a listener with the same name defined in the main Trace listeners section. ...
The location of the root folder from which to start browsing. Only the specified folder and any subfolders that are beneath ...
The location with name '{0}' cannot be retrieved as a Location of type '{1}' because it is a Location of type '{2}'. The ...
The lock is being disposed while still being used. It either is being held by a thread and/or has active waiters waiting ...
The major ('{0}') or minor ('{1}') component of the assembly version number was truncated when generating the default Windows ...
The managed coclass wrapper class '%1!ls!' for interface '%2!ls!' cannot be found (are you missing an assembly reference?) ...
The manifest is missing required hashes for some application components. The manifest signature is regarded as not valid. ...
The map at position '{0}' (zero-based) for Activity ID '{1}' does not match the map(s) that preceded it. Please ensure that ...
The mapping and metadata information for EntityContainer '{0}' no longer matches the information used to create the pre-generated ...