READ ONLY - You can't edit this file because it's IRM-protected, and this version of Office doesn't support this feature.
Quickly change the text in your document by picking a new font set.This is an easy way to change all of your text at once. ...
Quickly change the visual style of your table.Each style uses a unique combination of borders and shading to change the appearance ...
Quickly insert information about your document, such as author or file name.For more options, explore document properties ...
Re-enabling a file does not guarantee the application can open it. The file must be recovered from either a backup or undamaged ...
READ ONLY - You can't edit this file because it's IRM-protected, and this version of Office doesn't support this feature. ...
Read Only - You can't edit this file because it's IRM-protected, and this version of Office doesn't support this feature. ...
Recall a message that you have sent.Message recall can delete or replace copies of this message in recipient Inboxes if the ...
Recipients can read this message, but cannot forward, print, or copy content. The conversation owner has full permission ...
Recommendations are not available for the data you selected. To choose a chart type, click All Charts.There are no recommendations ...