A form with a subform object can't have its DefaultView property set to Continuous Forms.@You tried to add a subform to a form in Design view. |9 will reset the property to Single Form.@@1@@@1
A form for the class '%s' is already defined. Do you want to replace the existent form definition or update its platform-specific ...
A form or report cannot be the subdatasheet of a table or query.@Only a table or query can be inserted into another table ...
A form template with the same version is already on the server. This may be the same form template, or you may need to increase ...
A form with a bound ActiveX control or an embedded object bound to a data source can't have its DefaultView property set ...
A form with a subform object can't have its DefaultView property set to Continuous Forms.@You tried to add a subform to a ...
A formula in a cell | could not be converted because it contains a function that is not available in the file format to which ...
A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references. Verify that your formulas contain a valid path, workbook, ...
A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name '|', which already exists on the destination worksheet. Do ...
A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name '|0', which already exists on the destination worksheet. Do ...