Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST VOLUME
Display modes are enumerated differently for Windows XP than they were on Windows 9x. This may cause issues for some applications ...
Display names for some settings cannot be found. You might be able to resolve this issue by updating the .ADM files used ...
Display notifications to the user when a program is blocked from receiving inbound connections and requests that Windows ...
Display settings could have a noticeable impact on the appearance of other programs. After you have tested the program, you ...
Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST ...
Displays a list of computers that have opened sessions with a specified domain controller. SYNTAX /showctx DSA_LIST /nocache ...
Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount ...
Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory. DIR drive:][path][filename /A[:]attributes /B /C /D /L /N /O[:]sortorder ...
Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the ...