Cannot find a unit of measure with International Standard Code %1. Make sure that a unit of measure code exists with International Standard Code %1.
cannot contain %8. The maximum size of the entire list of bitmaps in %3 (including file names and paths) is 32 K (32756 bytes). ...
Cannot create the invoice in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The customer from the original Microsoft Dynamics CRM sales order %1 ...
Cannot create the path {0} for this service instance. Make sure that permissions are set up correctly for the service account. ...
Cannot establish a connection to the SQL Server/Database. This could be due to one of the following reasons: The SQL server ...
Cannot find a unit of measure with International Standard Code %1. Make sure that a unit of measure code exists with International ...
Cannot find an appropriate G/L account for the line with description '%1'. Choose the Map Text to Account button, and then ...
Cannot find buy-from vendor '%1' based on the vendor's GLN %2 or VAT registration number %3 on the incoming document. Make ...
Cannot find item '%1' based on GTIN %2 on the incoming document. Make sure that a card for the item exists with the corresponding ...
Cannot find item '%1' based on the vendor %2 item number %3 on the incoming document. Make sure that a card for the item ...