Dispatcher (0x%1!s!) from dispatcher pool '%2!s!' Worker 0x%3!s! appears to be non-yielding on Node %4!s!. Approx CPU Used: kernel %5!s! ms, user %6!s! ms, Interval: %7!s!.
Disabling writeback will make the writeback table data inaccessible and convert the measure group to a read-only structure. ...
Disallowed implicit conversion from data type %1!s! to data type %2!s!, table '%3!s!', column '%4!s!'. Use the CONVERT function ...
Discovering SQL Server 2000 instances in order to apply SQL Server Browser access control entries on their registry keys. ...
DiscretizationMethod/DiscretizationBucketCount cannot be specified for the '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' mining ...
Dispatcher ( 1!s!) from dispatcher pool '%2!s!' Worker 3!s! appears to be non-yielding on Node %4!s!. Approx CPU Used: kernel ...
Displays OLE DB IRowset::GetData calls made by SQL Server for fetching row data for distributed queries and remote stored ...
Displays performance information about individual Full-Text queries, including the query itself, the number of rows returned, ...
Displays the DMTracer window, which traces the queries that are sent to the Data Mining server. This controls the lifetime ...
Displays the error message as seen by the user in the case or an error or exception. The error message text appears in the ...