The '{0}' table in the database '{1}' is not enabled for SQL cache notification. Please make sure the table exists, and the table name used for cache dependency matches exactly the table name used in cache notification registration. To enable a table for SQL cache notification, please use SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.EnableTableForNotifications method, or the command line tool aspnet_regsql. To use the tool, please run 'aspnet_regsql.exe -?' for more information. To get a list of enabled tables in the database, please use SqlCacheDependencyManager.GetTablesEnabledForNotifications method, or the command line tool aspnet_regsql.exe.
The '{0}' service is configured with ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete set to true, but the ConcurrencyMode is ...
The '{0}' SqlDependency attribute for OutputCache directive is invalid. For SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000, the valid ...
The '{0}' SqlDependency attribute for OutputCache directive is invalid. For SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000, the valid ...
The '{0}' table in the database '{1}' is not enabled for SQL cache notification. Please make sure the table exists, and the ...
The '{0}' table in the database '{1}' is not enabled for SQL cache notification. Please make sure the table exists, and the ...
The '{0}' user-defined type could not be found. Ensure that the correct type and type library are registered and specified. ...
The '{0}' value for the 'dateTimeOption' parameter is not an allowed value for the 'XmlDateTimeSerializationMode' enumeration. ...
The '{0}','{1}' binding for the '{2}','{3}' contract is configured with a security version that does not support external ...
The '{0}'.'{1}' binding for the '{2}'.'{3}' contract is configured with an authentication mode that requires transport level ...