TableAdapterManager contains no connection information. Set each TableAdapterManager TableAdapter property to a valid TableAdapter instance.
System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail is not supported on this version of Windows. The recommended alternative is System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient. ...
System.Xaml.Hosting section has invalid handler '{0}' configured for the type '{1}' hosted in path '{2}'. The '{0}' does ...
t: temporary. Session state data is stored in the "tempdb" database. Stored procedures for managing session are installed ...
Table 'ReserveCost' does not exist. We cannot cost disk space without ReserveCost table. Please add the table and try again. ...
TableAdapterManager contains no connection information. Set each TableAdapterManager TableAdapter property to a valid TableAdapter ...
Target type is invalid. Specify 'exe', 'winexe', or 'library';;Target '{0}' is invalid. Specify 'exe', 'winexe', or 'library' ...
Task attempted to find "{0}" using the SdkToolsPath value "{1}". Make sure the SdkToolsPath is set to the correct value and ...
Template property '{0}' has a TemplateContainer attribute set to '{1}', but that type does not implement INamingContainer. ...
Thank you for participating in the Beta program. You must uninstall all pre-release products in a specific order before you ...