There is no variations logging information available. Either there were no variations operations performed, or the variation logs list has been deleted, or it has been modified to not contain the required fields and hence can't be used for logging. To get variation log information, delete the list and it will be recreated with the next variations operation.
There is no server on port %1!d! at '%2!.200s!'. You have selected the Connect Using SSL option. This connection problem ...
There is no system instance associated with the connected system. External lists require their external content types to ...
There is no system instance defined on the system definition for this external content type. To edit operations, a system ...
There is no valid system instance defined on the system definition for this external content type. Edit the connection properties ...
There is no variations logging information available. Either there were no variations operations performed, or the variation ...
There is not enough disk space. Free additional space on your hard disk and then try again. Approximate amount of space needed: ...
There was a form postback error. (User: %1, Form Name: %2, IP: %3, Request: %4, Form ID: %5, Type: %6, Exception Message: ...
There was a problem deleting Web site "%1!.255s!". Sites that have subsites or certain apps can't be deleted. Please try ...
There was a problem processing this video. Verify that your computer is connected to the Internet, and that you provided ...