Enter the ending number that is used to identify and verify the card type in the system. If the card type is identified by the first single digit on the card, enter the same number that you entered in the Card number from field. If the card type is identified by the first four digits in a specific range of numbers, this field specifies the end of the number range.
Enter the email address of the person who is buying the gift card. This control is available only if gift cards are set up ...
Enter the email address of the person who is receiving the gift card. This field only applies to electronic gift cards. This ...
Enter the ending date for the current commission agreement. Together with the starting date in the From field, this date ...
Enter the ending date of the date range within which to determine if the indicators have been updated and therefore be included ...
Enter the ending number that is used to identify and verify the card type in the system. If the card type is identified by ...
Enter the exchange rate for the transaction currency and the payment currency. Note If you enter a cross rate, it is used ...
Enter the exchange rate to use to convert amounts from the current ledger accounting currency to the new ledger accounting ...
Enter the exchange rate to use to convert amounts from the ledger accounting currency to the new ledger reporting currency ...
Enter the expected scrap value. This is part of the acquisition price, which is the value of the fixed asset at the end of ...