Selecting latest recovery point will recover each machine to its latest available point in time. Selecting latest application consistent point or latest crash consistent point, will choose the respective multi VM consistent point in time only for the protection groups. In case of multiple protection groups in a recovery plan, each protection group will be failed over to its own latest multi VM app/crash consistent recovery point.
Select which users access rules for VPN connections apply to. Rules can be applied to all the users, or only the users in ...
Select which users the rules apply to. Rules can be applied to all the users assigned to the application, or only the users ...
Select _From URL_ and paste the following Swagger definition: calc||http://calca ...
Selecting latest recovery point will recover each machine to its latest available point in time. Selecting latest application ...
Selecting latest recovery point will recover each machine to its latest available point in time. Selecting latest application ...
Selecting the 'Required' option ensures that any access to all databases on this server will be subject to the auditing and ...
Selecting the 'Required' option ensures that any access to the database will be subject to the auditing and dynamic data ...
Selecting the check box makes your email address and phone number available to {0} and makes it possible for them to notify ...
Selecting this option will update the provisioning state to "Provisioned" and proceed with the final stages of the provisioning ...