One or more transactions that are dated after the transfer date, exist for the fixed asset value model. We recommend that you either reverse the future postings, or change the asset transfer date to a date later than the date of those transactions.
One or more transactions are closed or marked for settlement. You can write off only open transactions that are not marked ...
One or more transactions in a payment group were not included in this payment proposal. To pay all the transactions in a ...
One or more transactions results in a zero balance because of currency, account or dimension combinations. Please settle ...
One or more transactions that are dated after the transfer date, exist for the fixed asset book. We recommend that you either ...
One or more transactions that are dated after the transfer date, exist for the fixed asset value model. We recommend that ...
One or more translation files cannot be opened for writing. The database will not be generated upon exit. Corrections are ...
One or more upload session package(s) cannot be purged from BLOB storage. Next execution will retry purging. The last error ...
One or more users are assigned to the selected roles. To delete the roles, remove the users from the roles and try again. ...
One or more users could not be automatically mapped. You will need to manually edit the user mappings for those users which ...