AuthenticationType -- Specify one of the following client authentication methods while adding a URL %1 -- %2 %3 -- %4 %5 -- %6 %7 -- %8. %9 -- deletes the specified URL associated with the CA. Priority -- defaults to '1' if not specified when adding a URL. %10 -- Only renewal requests can be submitted to this CA via this URL.
Authentication is enabled for the following URL group: %1. Negotiate authentication is set to %2. NTLM authentication is ...
Authentication methods specify how trust is established between computers. These authentication methods are offered and accepted ...
Authentication Ticket Request Failed: User Name: %1 Supplied Realm Name: %2 Service Name: %3 Ticket Options: %4 Failure Code: ...
Authentication Ticket Request: User Name: %1 Supplied Realm Name: %2 User ID: %3 Service Name: %4 Service ID: %5 Ticket Options: ...
AuthenticationType - Specify one of the following client authentication methods while adding a URL %1 - %2 %3 - %4 %5 - %6 ...
Authenticode allows you to designate software publishers and credentials agencies as trustworthy. This customization only ...
AuthIP Main Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last Authenticated IP main mode security association ...
AuthIP Quick Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last Authenticated IP quick mode security ...
AuthType: ISCSI_NO_AUTH_TYPE = 0, No iSCSI in-band authentication is used ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_TYPE = 1, One way CHAP (Target ...