Network error code 0x%1!s! occurred while establishing a connection; the connection has been closed. This may have been caused by client or server login timeout expiration. Time spent during login: total %2!s! ms, enqueued %3!s! ms, network writes %4!s! ms, network reads %5!s! ms, establishing SSL %6!s! ms, network reads during SSL %7!s! ms, network writes during SSL %8!s! ms, secure calls during SSL %9!s! ms, enqueued during SSL %10!s! ms, negotiating SSPI %11!s! ms, network reads during SSPI %12!s! ms, network writes during SSPI %13!s! ms, secure calls during SSPI %14!s! ms, enqueued during SSPI %15!s! ms, validating login %16!s! ms, including user-defined login processing %17!s! ms.%18!s!
Neither XMLDATA nor XMLSCHEMA supports namespace elements or attributes such as '%1!s!'. Run the SELECT FOR XML statement ...
Nested ComplexType property '{0}' in the ReturnType '{1}' of the function '{2}' is not supported, please consider flattening ...
Nested table keys in a SHAPE query must be sorted in the same order as the parent table. The nested query may be missing ...
Network error 1!s! occurred while sending data to the client on process ID %2!s! batch ID %3!s!. A common cause for this ...
Network error code 1!s! occurred while establishing a connection; the connection has been closed. This may have been caused ...
Network Service or Local Service account is not permitted for the Integration Services service on a domain contoller. Please ...
New input file was selected. You can keep or reset the existing metadata. Click Yes to keep the existing column metadata. ...
New parallel operation cannot be started due to too many parallel operations executing at this time. Use the "max worker ...
New Publication Wizard must configure '{0}' as a Distributor before automatically generating filters for this publication. ...