The file could not be downloaded from the input library due to a technical problem. Please contact your system administrator.
The file could not be converted; it may be corrupt or otherwise invalid. Please try opening the file in Microsoft Word, resaving ...
The file could not be downloaded because it is not located on a trusted site. The solution may not work as expected. Contact ...
The file could not be downloaded because it is not located on a trusted site. The XML expansion pack may not work as expected. ...
The file could not be downloaded from the input library because the supplied user permissions expired before the file could ...
The file could not be downloaded from the input library due to a technical problem. Please contact your system administrator. ...
The file could not be downloaded from the SharePoint library because the user's permissions have changed. Please contact ...
The file could not be imported. The file should be a valid .csv or .txt file. Please specify the full name of the file along ...
The file could not be imported. The file should be a valid .csv or .txt file. Please specify the full name of the file along ...
The file could not be installed because of missing internal setup logic. The XML expansion pack may not work as expected. ...