Set up balancing accounts, number series, and reason codes in the journals that you use for bookkeeping tasks, such as cash receipt and payment. By using different templates you can design windows with different layouts and you can assign trace codes, number series, and reports to each template.
Set up a customer's own identification of the selected item. Cross-references to the customer's item number means that that ...
Set up a new fiscal year and the number of accounting periods, such as 12 monthly periods, within the fiscal year and specify ...
Set up additional text for the description of the item. Extended text can be inserted under the Description field on document ...
Set up additional text for the description of the selected item. Extended text can be inserted under the Description field ...
Set up balancing accounts, number series, and reason codes in the journals that you use for bookkeeping tasks, such as cash ...
Set up codes for your different types of business transactions, so that you can track the source of the transactions in an ...
Set up codes that specify reasons why entries were created, such as Return, to specify why a purchase credit memo was posted. ...
Set up combinations of general business and general product posting groups by specifying account numbers for posting of sales ...
Set up combinations of VAT business posting groups and VAT product posting groups by specifying a VAT percent, a VAT calculation ...