Signing in to %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% won't work until Forms Authentication is enabled. It's not enabled by default in an initial AD FS Deployment.
Sign in to your Office 365 tenant to add Office 365 services such as mail, calendar, contacts, files and more to your application. ...
Sign in with the %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% user ID assigned to you by your work or school. It looks like [email protected], ...
Sign in with the email address (or User Principal Name) of your Office 365 work or school account. You can also use non-Office ...
Sign out of your %BRAND_MSA% and sign in with the %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% user ID assigned to you by your work or school. ...
Signing in to %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% won't work until Forms Authentication is enabled. It's not enabled by default in an ...
Signing or encrypting this S/MIME message has caused it to exceed the maximum size limit of {0} MB. Try removing some content ...
Since Office 2010 is installed on the computer, %BRAND_SHAREPOINT% Workspace must be removed. Before you run %BRAND_ONEDRIVE% ...
Since this error is happening on a Mimecast server that's outside Office 365, you'll need to check a few things to fix the ...
Since this error is happening on a server that's outside Office 365, you'll need to check a few things to fix the problem. ...