{You cannot enter a delay value here.}You cannot enter delay in the following situations: \225 On a task with an As Late As Possible constraint in a project that is scheduled from a start date. \225 On a task with an As Soon As Possible constraint in a project that is scheduled from a finish date. \225 On a task with a Must Finish On or Must Start On constraint. \225 On a task that has started or is a summary or inserted project task.
You cannot edit the percent complete of a summary task because it is calculated by Project.}Edit the percent complete for ...
You cannot edit the selected resource. It is most likely that you either don't have permissions to view the resource details ...
You cannot edit the start date on inserted projects or summary tasks.}Because summary tasks and inserted projects summarize ...
You cannot edit this site through this Shared Service Provider, please access it through the parent Shared Service Provider. ...
You cannot enter a delay value here.}You cannot enter delay in the following situations: \225 On a task with an As Late As ...
You cannot enter units in the Initials field.}Enter units by clicking either the Task Information or Assign Resources button ...
You cannot import a project to Project Server that is already an enterprise project}Start the wizard again and then import ...
You cannot import or restore from a file of this format.}To import from this file, first convert it by cancelling out of ...
You cannot indent, outdent or insert tasks when you have grouping applied to your current view. Remove the grouping applied ...