Maximum '{0}' is beyond the warning threshold of {8} ms. The measured value is {9} ms. The rate of reads to this domain controller is {3} calls per second, indicating the active directory server is used infrequently. Rates below {4} are considered low.
Managed folder mailbox policies collect managed folders into logical groupings. When you apply a mailbox policy to a user's ...
Managed folders are mailbox folders that have messaging records management enabled. There are two types of managed folders: ...
Manages the Microsoft Exchange Information Store. This includes mailbox stores and public folder stores. If this service ...
Max number of retries to load resolver configuration data during startup has been reached. The MSExchangeTransport service ...
Maximum '{0}' is beyond the warning threshold of {8} ms. The measured value is {9} ms. The rate of reads to this domain controller ...
Maximum '{0}' is beyond the warning threshold of {8} ms. The measured value is {9} ms. The rate of searches to this domain ...
Meeting message with the following subject could not be correlated because the target is a recurring master and the meeting ...
Meeting Response Commands/sec is the number of MeetingResponse commands that are processed per second. The client uses this ...
Meeting Response Total is the total number of MeetingResponse commands that have been received since the service was started. ...