The lookup table is already checked out to you for modification in another session. If you have the lookup table checked out for modification in another session, close that session and try again. Alternatively, on the Server Setttings page in Project Web Access, you can force a check-in of the custom field.
The local resource ^1 has the same name as an enterprise resource or user and name must be changed before the project can ...
The locale id, if this is not set then the locale of the user executing the command is used, if that doesn't exist the server ...
The locally cached projects are listed below. On delete, selected projects are deleted from the local cache. Projects on ...
The lookup table data entry option is set to restrict the field to only those items in the list. This may invalidate some ...
The lookup table is already checked out to you for modification in another session. If you have the lookup table checked ...
The lookup table is already checked out to you for modification in another session. Would you like to force check-in the ...
The lookup table is currently in use by a custom field and cannot be deleted. Delete the custom field referencing the lookup ...
The lookup table is in use by one or more custom fields. Delete the custom fields that are referencing the lookup table and ...
The lookup table specified for the custom field is of a different type. Specify a lookup table that is of the same type as ...