Record information about the PowerPivot environment. The information is stored as a snapshot in the trace file specified above for the current Excel session
Received an object type value of %d{type/} in column '%{column/}' of rowset '%{rowset/}', which is not a valid object type. ...
Received the object type value of %d{type/} in the column '%{column/}' of the '%{rowset/}' rowset, which is not a valid object ...
Recipients will have access to the same data, reports, and workbooks as you have in this dashboard, unless their access is ...
Recipients won't be notified by email. You will need to copy and share link from the 'Shared With' tab after clicking 'Share'. ...
Record information about the PowerPivot environment. The information is stored as a snapshot in the trace file specified ...
Refresh can't be scheduled because the data set doesn't contain any data model connections, or is a worksheet or linked table. ...
Refresh failed on {0} because the connection couldn't be found in the database. Try refreshing the entire database or server ...
Refresh failed on {0} because the role couldn't be found in the database. Try refreshing the entire database or server instead. ...
Refresh failed on {0} because the table couldn't be found in the database. Try refreshing the entire database or server instead. ...