The expression contains an unrecognized token that appears to be an input column reference, but the input column collection is not available to process input columns. The input column collection has not been provided to the expression evaluator, but an input column was included in the expression.
The expression "%1!s!" on "%2!s!" evaluated to NULL, but the "%3!s!" requires a Boolean results. Modify the error row disposition ...
The expression "%1!s!" will always result in a truncation of data. The expression contains a static truncation (the truncation ...
The expression contained a token that was not recognized. The expression could not be parsed because it contains invalid ...
The expression contains an unexpected equal sign (=). This error usually occurs when a double equals sign (=) is needed. ...
The expression contains an unrecognized token that appears to be an input column reference, but the input column collection ...
The expression contains an unsupported data type conversion. The source type cannot be converted to the destination type. ...
The expression contains multiple columns, but only a single column can be used in a Boolean expression that is used as a ...
The expression contains unrecognized token "%1!s!". If "%1!s!" is a variable, it should be expressed as "@%1!s!". The specified ...
The expression evaluated to NULL, but a Boolean result is required. Modify the error row disposition on the output to treat ...