You are about to restore Microsoft Exchange components. The Microsoft Exchange services on the destination server will be stopped.
You are about to make changes to the passport manager configuration. Please confirm that the following effects are acceptable. ...
You are about to remove the last root hint. If the DNS server is not authoritative for the root zone and is not configured ...
You are about to remove this web site configuration. The data in this configuration will be lost permanently. Do you wish ...
You are about to replace the existing credentials on this smart card with another. If the operation fails, you will not be ...
You are about to restore Microsoft Exchange components. The Microsoft Exchange services on the destination server will be ...
You are about to save the document in a Text-Only format, which will remove all formatting. Are you sure you want to do this? ...
You are about to send your password information to a remote computer in %s zone. This might not be safe. Do you want to send ...
You are about to switch to a system management console. This Incoming Connections property sheet will be closed and any changes ...
You are allowing the MSUAM to authenticate to servers that do not support strong authentication protocols. This is not recommended. ...