Cannot add another group to the existing group because the maximum level of nested groups has been reached. Ungroup one of the groups or try modifying the design of the package.
Cannot add a logical record relationship in publication "%1!s!" because it uses sync_mode of "character" and could have SQL ...
Cannot add a row in the Table Data Editor because one or more columns are required but their SQL types are not supported ...
Cannot add a sparse column or a sparse column set because the table is published for merge replication. Merge replication ...
Cannot add another component because the maximum level of nested containers has been reached. Try modifying the design of ...
Cannot add another group to the existing group because the maximum level of nested groups has been reached. Ungroup one of ...
Cannot add article "%1!s!" with automatic identity range management. The article is already published in a transactional ...
Cannot add article '%1!s!' with one or more dynamic functions in the subset_filterclause '%2!s!' to publication '%3!s!' because ...
Cannot add article '%1!s!' with sparse column or column set to merge publication since merge replication does not support ...
Cannot add database '%1!s!' to the availability group '%2!s!', because there is already a database with the same name in ...