You can't delete group '{0}' because it contains virtual machines. Before you delete it, remove the virtual machines from the group.
You can use this portal to sign up for a new subscription and quickly set up services, resources, and components with minimal ...
You can use Visual Studio Online for software management, source control, issue tracking, build and test automation, and ...
You can't change these settings while your job is running, but you can stop the job, make your changes, and then restart ...
You can't delete a cloud service with active deployments. Delete all of the deployments in the cloud service and then try ...
You can't delete group '{0}' because it contains virtual machines. Before you delete it, remove the virtual machines from ...
You can't delete protection group '{0}' because it contains virtual machines that are enabled for protection. To remove this ...
You can't dynamic encrypt your stream without one streaming unit. Do you want to add one streaming unit before playing content ...
You can't dynamic encrypt your stream without one streaming unit. Do you want to add one streaming unit before publishing ...
You cannot add this user as a co-administrator for this subscription because the subscription is not in the same directory ...