The update principles are as follows: Ship now (the ship quantity will be equal to the value in the Ship now quantity field on the individual transfer lines; this option requires that you have completed the Ship now field in advance), All (the quantity that ships will be equal to the remaining ship quantity for each line; the remaining ship quantity equals the transfer quantity minus the shipped quantity), Reserved quantity (the quantity that ships will be equal to the physical reserved inventory quantity), and Available quantity (the quantity that ships will equal the remaining ship quantity; this will only occur if the quantity is physically available in the warehouse that it will be shipped from; if this is not the case, the quantity will be reduced to the available physical quantity).
The unsettled amount for the selected transaction, in the transaction currency. This is the sum of the Amount in transaction ...
The update has been blocked because the item is in inspection or because there is a conflict between a parameter setup and ...
The update of the delivery schedule has caused a conflict with the linked sales agreement. For example, the quantity is not ...
The update option determines the receipt quantity for each transfer order. The following options are available: Receive now ...
The update principles are as follows: Ship now (the ship quantity will be equal to the value in the Ship now quantity field ...
The updated quantity is less than the initial quantity. Would you like to apply the selected dimensions to the full quantity ...
The upper limit of open cursors for Microsoft Dynamics has been exceeded (%1). Use the -OPENCURSORS parameter, or modify ...
The URL for the development site is null or is an empty string. Verify the details of the development site on the Web sites ...
The user account entered for the workflow execution account is not valid. Confirm that the account exists and is enabled. ...