Deserialization input is invalid. The parent entry of '{0}' is missing. The parent entry '{1}' is expected to occurs before its children.
DESCENDANTS=1= Member , Distance , Desc_flags ]=Returns the set of descendants of a member at a specific distance away in ...
DESCENDANTS=1= Member , Level , Desc_flags ]=Returns the set of descendants of a member at a specified level, optionally ...
Describes how the input column participates in the pivot operation. It can help define a set of related records, it can hold ...
Descriptor for object ID %1!s! in database ID %2!s! not found in the hash table during attempt to unhash it. A work table ...
Deserialization input is invalid. The parent entry of '{0}' is missing. The parent entry '{1}' is expected to occurs before ...
Design a map to visualize data by varying line color and width, for example, number of packages delivered and on-time metrics ...
Design a map to visualize related data by varying marker color, size, and type, for example, top selling products, profit ...
Design hierarchies for each incoming relationship path when attributes have multiple incoming relationships or, if any of ...
Destination server, user, and password are not allowed with folder operations. Use source server, user, and password instead. ...