The fiscal calendar that includes the fiscal year that is being closed. You can click the calendar name to open the Fiscal calendars page, where you can view a description of the fiscal calendar, and the fiscal years that are included in the fiscal calendar.
The FinancialDimensionValueTotalAccountIntervalEntity contains the ranges of accounts to be summarized by a totaling account. ...
The first date on which the withholding tax limits apply. The posting date determines which limit interval is used. If the ...
The first date that this withholding tax value is valid. If this field is empty, the interval will be limited to the date ...
The first or last name is not a valid name. Use text characters only. Numbers, spaces, and special characters are not allowed. ...
The fiscal calendar that includes the fiscal year that is being closed. You can click the calendar name to open the Fiscal ...
The fiscal calendar that is related to budget cycle time span %1 does not contain %2 fiscal calendar periods. Change the ...
The fiscal documents that are associated with this CFOP code are added together to provide the basis of the calculation of ...
The fixed asset %1 for depreciation book %2 does not use a depreciation method that is valid for the depreciation convention. ...
The fixed asset group that provides default information for the new fixed asset. This information includes depreciation profiles ...