TF298026: Microsoft Test Tools Adapter Service encountered an error while opening a WCF endpoint to listen to requests. Detailed error: '{0}'.
TF298020 : The assembly wmvcore.dll could not be found. If you are running Windows Server 2008 or later, make sure the Desktop ...
TF298020: The session you are reconnecting to no longer exists on the remote device. This can happen if the remote device ...
TF298021: Failed to add {0} to the list of firewall exceptions. Add {0} to the list of firewall exceptions manually and start ...
TF298024: Microsoft Test Tools Adapter Service could not stop Microsoft Test Tools Adapter process. Restart the machine to ...
TF298026: Microsoft Test Tools Adapter Service encountered an error while opening a WCF endpoint to listen to requests. Detailed ...
TF298030 : Could not login to the Developer license server using the credential provided. Either the Developer license server ...
TF298030: Cannot start a new testing session on the device '{0}' since a session is already in progress for the user: '{1}'. ...
TF298033 : Could not load the assembly to perform the operations for Developer Licensing. Make sure Windows 8 is installed ...
TF298040 : Install application has timed out. Either the connection to the remote device was lost or the user did not perform ...