Correct the declaration of {0} so that it correctly points to an existing entry point in {1}. The unmanaged entry point name currently linked to is {2}.
Correct the casing of '{0}' in assembly name {1} by changing it to '{2}'. '{2}' is an abbreviation and therefore is not subject ...
Correct the casing of '{0}' in member name {1} by changing it to '{2}'. '{2}' is an abbreviation and therefore is not subject ...
Correct the casing of '{0}' in namespace name '{1}' by changing it to '{2}'. '{2}' is an abbreviation and therefore is not ...
Correct the casing of '{0}' in type name {1} by changing it to '{2}'. '{2}' is an abbreviation and therefore is not subject ...
Correct the declaration of {0} so that it correctly points to an existing entry point in {1}. The unmanaged entry point name ...
Could not access the following location using the lab service account: {1}\{2}, {0} in attempt {3} out of {4}. Reason:{5} ...
Could not access the following location using the lab service account: {1}\{2}, {0}. Make sure that the lab service account ...
Could not access the following location using the lab service account: {1}\{2}, {0}. Reason: {3}. Make sure that the lab ...
Could not add a certificate to the personal certificate store. To finish building, open the Project Designer, click the Signing ...