Define when a user's search box query makes this rule fire. You can specify multiple conditions of different types, or remove all conditions to fire for any query text. Every query condition becomes false if the query is not a simple keyword query, such as if it has quotes, property filters, parentheses, or special operators.
Data cannot be written to the output configuration file. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft ...
DatabaseUsername and DatabasePassword must be specified together. If you mean for one to be empty, use the empty string instead ...
Default site path for importing profiles was not found. Provisioning for importing profiles might have failed at the begining ...
DefaultContentAccessAccountName and DefaultContentAccessAccountPassword must be specified together. If you mean for one to ...
Define when a user's search box query makes this rule fire. You can specify multiple conditions of different types, or remove ...
Deleting a managed property can have undesired effects for end users. Make sure that the managed property is not used in ...
Deleting this index component will cause repartitioning to occur and crawling will not occur until the repartitioning is ...
Deletion of the timer job SearchTopologyActivationJobDefinition failed for the Search Service Application '%1'. If the Topology ...
DFSURL' parameter is invalid. Right format is 'RepostioryName1\DFSURL1\DFSURL2\.DFSURLn\RepositoryName2\DFSURL1\DFSURL2\.DFSURLn\.'. ...