A CIM_Cluster is composed of two or more computer system's, operating together. A computer system may participate in multiple clusters. When first establishing or bringing up a cluster, only one computer system may be defined as participating in it. Therefore, the cardinality of the association for the CIM_ComputerSystem reference is Min(1).
A chassis can contain other packages, such as other chassis and cards. The CIM_PackageInChassis association makes explicit ...
A check is a condition or characteristic that is expected to be true in an environment defined or scoped by an instance of ...
A child node without a properly formed parent node was found. Ignoring it. Check spelling and format of location properties.%1%2%3%4%5%0 ...
A CIM_Action is an operation that is part of a process to either create a software element in its next state or to eliminate ...
A CIM_Cluster is composed of two or more computer system's, operating together. A computer system may participate in multiple ...
A CIM_FileSpecification identifies a file that is either to be on or off the system. The file is to be located in the directory ...
A CIM_Service is a Logical Element that contains the information necessary to represent and manage the functionality provided ...
A CIM_System is a LogicalElement that aggregates an enumerable set of Managed System Elements. The aggregation operates as ...
A class derived from CIM_ComputerSystem that 'is made up of' two or more computer systems which operate together as an atomic, ...