Specify the path within the URL namespace to include. You can include an exact path, or all paths subordinate to the specified path.
Specify the number of reports you want to keep for each content deployment job that originates from this farm. The oldest ...
Specify the number of threads to use for backup and restore. More threads may lead to improved performance, however, information ...
Specify the number of Word documents which a process should be allowed to render before the process is recycled. Changes ...
Specify the number of worker processes dedicated to viewing Word documents. This value must be less than the WCF connection ...
Specify the path within the URL namespace to include. You can include an exact path, or all paths subordinate to the specified ...
Specify the permission level that you want members of this SharePoint group to have on this site. If you do not want to give ...
Specify the planning horizon and the level of planning granularity. Resource capacity data and project resource requirements ...
Specify the policy you want applied to this item. Select the policy, default privacy setting, and whether or not the user ...
Specify the privacy policy you want applied to this property. Select the Replicate check box if you want the property to ...