You can select cards to send to websites or online services. If you don't have any cards, you can create a card that will be encrypted and stored on this computer. Before you send a card, you will be asked to review the identity of the site that is requesting information. Microsoft will not see your card data unless you send your card to a Microsoft website or online service.
You can optionally add access rules to control access to the whole Web site or to individual folders. Rules can apply to ...
You can optionally add roles, or groups, that enable you to allow or deny groups of users access to specific folders in your ...
You can run the aspnet_regsql.exe executable without any command-line arguments to run a wizard that will help you with specifying ...
You can save your cards to a file to back them up or to transfer them to a different computer. Select the cards that you ...
You can select cards to send to websites or online services. If you don't have any cards, you can create a card that will ...
You can specify how the Web site is used-either from the Internet (publicly) or from an intranet (on a local area network). ...
You can take your application offline (shut it down) to perform maintenance or to bring a new Microsoft SQL Server Express ...
You can use the Web Site Administration Tool to change and test providers for the Web site. Your application can use a single ...
You can use the Web Site Administration Tool to manage all the security settings for your application. You can set up users ...