The node %1 in this hierarchy has already been selected for threshold validation. Only one node in a hierarchy branch can be selected.
The new {2} attribute is set as the primary name attribute for the {1} entity. The {1} entity already has the {0} attribute ...
The next number for estimates has already been used. \ Please consult with your accountant, and then update the number sequence ...
The next number for invoices has already been used. \ Please consult with your accountant, and then update the number sequence ...
The No. field cannot be empty when the status of the Certificate of Supply is set to Required, Received, or Not Received. ...
The node %1 in this hierarchy has already been selected for threshold validation. Only one node in a hierarchy branch can ...
The node cannot be deleted because it contains one or more internal control documents or child nodes. Delete the documents ...
The node factory for the operator with the symbol "{0}" did not create a {1} node. Please ensure that operator node factories ...
The node for dimension %1 with criteria %2 for account structure %3 is marked optional. You must unmark the Optional checkbox ...
The node for dimension %1 with criteria %2 to %3 for account structure %4 is marked optional. You must unmark the Optional ...