TF255002: The following configuration file is not valid: {0}. The file is missing a required appSettings node for the following key: {1}.
TF254077: The team project collection was detached, but one or more warnings occurred during the process. For more information, ...
TF254078: No attachable databases were found on the following instance of SQL Server: {0}. Verify that both the name of the ...
TF254081: An error prevented retrieving instances of SQL Server Reporting Services installed on this computer. This can happen ...
TF255001: The connection failed while attempting to check the data store. Check your network connectivity and verify that ...
TF255002: The following configuration file is not valid: {0}. The file is missing a required appSettings node for the following ...
TF255003: The installation path cannot be found for the following feature: {0}. Either the feature is not installed, or you ...
TF255004: The required template for extensions for SharePoint Products cannot be loaded. Stsadm.exe returned the following ...
TF255005: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is installed, but to complete the process, you must manually restart your computer ...
TF255007: The following temporary directory could not be removed for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: {0}. You might need ...