The type of this field cannot be changed because this field enforces unique values and because it is indexed. Modify this field to stop enforcing unique values and then remove the index for this field before trying the operation again.
The type of field {0} is an enumeration. Enumeration types can only be mapped to built-in Outlook properties. This field ...
The type of field {0} is nullable but there is no null-equivalent value defined. This field will not be mapped to any Outlook ...
The type of the field {0} that is mapped to a related identifer cannot be resolved or is ambiguous on this external content ...
The type of this data provider. Must be one of the following values: 1 for OLEDB, 2 for SQL, 3 for ODBC, 4 for ODBC with ...
The type of this field cannot be changed because this field enforces unique values and because it is indexed. Modify this ...
The type specified for the custom field is not valid. Specify a valid type corresponding to Cost, Date, Duration, Flag, Number, ...
The type specified for the custom field value is not valid. Specify a valid type corresponding to Cost, Date, Duration, Flag, ...
The type you dropped from the Browser has never been placed on the diagram. You must now drag the type from the Type Selector ...
The TypeDescriptor '{0}' on Parameter '{1}' on Method '{2}' of Entity '{3}' with Namespace '{4}' has an Interpretation at ...