Removes a drive letter or mounted folder pathname from the volume with focus. Syntax: REMOVE [LETTER=| MOUNT= | ALL] [DISMOUNT] [NOERR] LETTER= The drive letter to be removed. MOUNT= The mounted folder path to be removed. ALL Removes all current drive letters and mounted folder paths. DISMOUNT This parameter may be used if 1) all drive letters and mounted folder paths have been removed from the volume, or 2) the ALL parameter is specified. This parameter specifies that the file system is to be dismounted and the volume taken offline. If other processes are using the volume, DiskPart closes any open handles before dismounting the file system and taking the volume offline. You can bring the volume online by assigning it a driver letter, by creating a mounted folder path to the volume, or by using the ONLINE command. DISMOUNT will fail if used on a volume that has any remaining drive letters or mounted folder paths. For scripting, using REMOVE ALL DISMOUNT is recommended. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. If no drive letter or mounted folder path is specified, DiskPart removes the first drive letter or mounted folder path it encounters. If the ALL parameter is used, all current drive letters and mounted folder paths are removed. If the DISMOUNT parameter is used, DiskPart closes all open handles to the volume and then dismounts the volume and takes it offline. The REMOVE command can be used to change the drive letter associated with a removable drive. You cannot remove the drive letters on boot or paging volumes. A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: REMOVE LETTER=K REMOVE MOUNT=G:\MountH REMOVE ALL DISMOUNT
Remove the GMEM_MOVEABLE flag if GlobalAlloc fails. The NT heap manager has a 64K limit on the number of moveable blocks ...
Remove will delete the threat from your PC permanently. Quarantine will disable the item and leave it in this state until ...
Remove-VMNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMapping will remove the specified routing domain settings from network adapter "{0}". ...
Removes (deletes) a directory. RMDIR /S /Q drive:]path RD /S /Q drive:]path /S Removes all directories and files in the specified ...
Removes a drive letter or mounted folder pathname from the volume with focus. Syntax: REMOVE LETTER= | MOUNT= | ALL DISMOUNT ...
Removes Active Desktop content and prevents users from adding Active Desktop content. This setting removes all Active Desktop ...
Removes all computers outside of the user's workgroup or local domain from lists of network resources in File Explorer and ...
Removes all recovery points for the selected virtual machine. Failover will be considered complete and cannot be canceled. ...
Removes all replication links for a given naming context. This does not delete the connection objects so the KCC will build ...